When my daughter opened her birthday gift, there was excitement in her eyes and, if I had a picture of my face, I’m pretty sure there would be fire in mine. I looked over at my friend and all she could say was “I thought I’d say sorry later, I’m sure your daughter will enjoy it”. She got the gift that she loved, and the one I feared the most: Play dough.
The terror only grew as I pictured play dough all over my carpet, my hardwood floors AND my furniture. Not to mention I was scared for my 8 month old crawling baby due to the tendency he has to stick everything in his mouth. My attempts to hide the evil gift were in vain and she scavenged through all my closest and pantry to find her play dough.
Many of us moms, are scared of sticky things that make a huge mess. And, I can’t say that any of us is wrong. In reality, I realized that my daughter could make a mess with pretty much anything and that the “feared” play dough wasn’t so bad after all.
As a mother, I’m always on the lookout for the best and healthiest out there. Of course, I’m not always feeding my children whole wheat organic oatmeal and raisin cookies (which is probably not a bad idea), but, there are products that are organic, made in the USA that earns my support and business.
One of them is Miss Brittnay’s Organic Preschool Play dough. After dreading play dough, I have learned to love it for these reasons:
If I buy organic play dough, and my baby decides he wants to stick it in his mouth, guess what? No harm done. Miss Brittany’s Organic Play Dough is non-toxic. Of course, I would never allow him to eat a whole tub of play dough but, in reality, it gives me a sense of safety to know that he can accidentally eat this play dough and he won’t get sick or die (yes, mothers can be overly dramatic).
Play dough can teach my children. You heard that right. As the child plays with Miss Brittany’s Organic Play Dough, they learn about colors, they can also mix colors and learn what to mix and the result colors they can get. They can count, subtract, divide. There are many learning opportunities while playing with play dough.
Let your child explore their creativity. With all the games and electronics out there, your child can become insensitive to the simple touch and feel experience, or their creativity can stagnate as they have all the colors and sounds available to them through T.V. Allow your child to exercise their creativity as they play with Miss Brittany’s Organic Play Dough, indoors or outdoors. Help your child feel the dough, make shapes, make play food, animals. You name it, help them let their creative minds go as you guide them through channeling that through the play dough.
Miss Brittany has thought of it all. She knows moms are afraid of mess so, her site has mats and aprons available.